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W5’s VOC programme for AIB Merchant Services wins prestigious judges choice award

W5’s VOC programme for AIB Merchant Services wins prestigious judges choice award Pictured with the Confirmit Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE)

Pictured with the Confirmit Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE) award are Dovile Matelyte, W5, Denise Daly and Crona Barrett, AIB Merchant Services and Clare Kavanagh, W5

AIB Merchant Services and W5’s voice of the consumer (VoC) customer programme has won the judges’ choice award at the Confirmit Achievement in Customer Excellence (ACE) awards. Facing off stiff global competition, the card acquisition programme won the B2B category in recognising outstanding customer experience and employee engagement.

W5 has used its approach to VoC research to drive customer and employee engagement for AIB Merchant Services since 2015. VoC provides a performance measurement tool and insight platform that engages departments in AIB Merchant Services with the customer experience agenda and urges staff and third parties to make a difference.

It delivers an annual assessment of the strength of the relationship with corporate customers and provides continuous assessment of performance among SME customers. The W5 programme delivered revenue increases due to reduced customer attrition, a rise in net promoter scores (NPS) increases of 49 points for terminal replacement journey.

There was a 25-point rise for SME customers and 12 points for corporate customers over two years. An increase in ease of doing business’ scores across the SME customer base was also recorded. AIB Merchant Services provides payment solutions and is ranked as a top five European eCommerce acquirer and credit and debit card processor.

John Doe

John Doe

We are in a dynamic time. Change is rapid and exponential. This can create a widening gap between your business and the market, impacting growth and future success. Customer centricity is a constant process of anticipation, design, and implementation. That’s where we come in.

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