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Customer experience fad or future for Irish businesses

Listening to Aisling Hassel, Head of Global CX at Airbnb at the recent CX event organised by CXPA Ireland was inspirational.  Airbnb are true game changers and not just in how they have democratised travel.  In our context, they have motivated and enabled employees to deliver a powerful customer-centric strategy based on that most precarious …

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CX Strategy – learning from Siobhan Hennessy at Musgraves

Siobhan Hennessy speaking at CXPA Ireland Siobhan Hennessy, Head of Customer Experience at Musgrave speaking at a recent CXPA event shared the alarming statistic put forward by Bain that eight out of nine global customer experience programmes fail. Working as a consultants in the Irish context we at W5 see significantly better rates of success …

CX Strategy – learning from Siobhan Hennessy at Musgraves Read More »

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